Thursday, June 23, 2011

Infiltrate the droid foundry.

After eliminating Sunfac, you have been given the task to destroy the droid factory deep within Geonosis. Your  mission: take out the jamming device so that larger forces can move in. Once the elevator ride is over ( aww, no elevator jingle?) take out the bugs in your way and take the sniper attachment. It includes pinpoint accuracy, 10 and 20 times optical zoom and the ability to take out a wide range or enemies. But wait, there's more! Act fast and we'll throw in a whole battalion of bugs for your shooting pleasure. Move into the next room and take out the fliers. There are a lot of explosive barrels through-out the chapter, so use them to your advantage. The next room lets you really try out your sniper rifle. *Hint* Shoot the explosive barrels on the bridge thing. Uses the same amount of ammo, but it goes with my motto: when in doubt, use C-4. Right next to the door to the next room a bug will jump up at you. I shot right between his legs the first time, so close he probably lost his... manhood. He just stood there and screeched at me so I shot him in the chest. He survived (resilient little sucker) and just stood there yelling. A pop to the face added a dead bug to my pile. Go in the door and heal up.

  The room after that contains the bugs eggs. The little creatures are easy to kill but they will hurt you if you get to close. Use caution. The next portion is one of the worst. You have to disable the shields protecting the jammer all the while fending off the bugs. Something to know is that you can't stem the tide of bugs. They just keep coming. And coming. And coming. Your best bet is to have one of your squad members do the slice and you protect them. Also remember that the squad works best in a particular position as opposed to just standing out in the open guns ablaze. After the shields are down place a charge on the jammer and continue to the lower level.

  In the first room you enter you'll encounter your first elite. Fast, never landing with a brutal laser and health that would make a tank look like tissue paper, your in for a treat. Get your team to begin sniping and take that thing down. You should encounter three of them, right after the last one dies. Follow the prompts and be sure to take out the sonic turret tho the right. There should be an explosive barrel near it. Keep moving through the rooms and killing bugs. That's about all you do for the next couple rooms. Oh, you also get to make a bridge. Shows what a pillar and some high grade explosives can do. Move to the vent and the chapter's over!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Extreme Prejudice.

The first mission. You are briefed and dropped into hostile territory on Geonosis. Your mission: find and eliminate Sun-fac. *Quick tip* First time playing? Make sure and listen to the instructions so you don't get yourself killed to often. After the first bacta dispenser there will be three battle droids on a cliff. Battle droids are week and terrible shots. They will hurt you if you don't take cover, but if you crouch behind some cover and only come up to fire a few quick bursts at the droids you should be okay. They will respawn right after you kill them but you'll easily have enough time to secure the downed ship if you kill two then make a wild dash for it. *Quick tip* Battle Droids are weak and easily beat down. If there are only a few just dodge their shots and take 'em down with a single melee blow.

  Move on and you'll encounter a ton of droids at the mouth of a cave. Now you have to ways to win against them. The first is to use a ton of ammo to gun 'em down or you could shoot the explosive barrel conveniently placed behind them. If any stragglers survive (though I doubt any will) just pick 'em off. Go through the cave and kill the droids at the end. A good habit to get into is to use any cover anywhere any time. Exit the cave and blow the explosive barrel to the left to save ammo. Go one droppin' droids till you get the next advisement. This will point you to one of my favorite items, explosives. Grab 'em and follow the next few advisements on how to use them. *Quick tip* Thermal detonators bounce off of things when they hit them. Use indirect fire to your advantage next time your enemies are just around the corner. Meet up with Scorch and start learning how to use your teammates best. The three of them will be your most powerful weapon.

  The next portion of the chapter is The Hive. Note that there are a lot of explosive barrels around, so use that to your advantage. You'll get to a closed door. Kill its guard and follow the prompts to retrieve Fixer. *Quick tip* As great as your squad is, sometimes you like to do things yourself. In that case just get close to whatever it is you'd like to do (i.e. door breach maneuver or slicing) and hold A. Slice the shield and proceed. The next room will hold your first (and certainly not last) geo or as I call them, fliers  They have a very strong melee attack but lack ranged weapons. They make up for that in agility. They can fly all over the place and can stick to walls and ceilings. The best way to beat the is not to melee them (which only takes one hit) but to avoid their staff and shoot the when they sit still. Take out the two in the next room with a well placed grenade. An advantage you can use against them is that if you catch them unawares, they pause on the ground to scream at you before taking to the sky.

  Move into the geo hanger and, dare I say it, gun 'em down. The explosive barrel on the ledge isn't close enough to the fliers to hurt them so shoot em down. fight your way to where the enemy ships are and blow them to kingdom come with with a planted charge. Enter the next room and switch your visor to night vision with the white button. Kill all resistance. At the end of the dark room you will have two doors. One will have blaster ammo and the other will progress the mission. Go into the progressive room (it's progressive!) and place the charge. I prefer to have a teammate do the planting and me do the protecting. Proceed through the next couple rooms and kill the droids. One room will have a lot in one area so I felt a primed grenade would be appropriate.

  Go down to the lower level and pick up 07. Pick up the EC detonators. When thrown they produce a large field of electricity that chews through shields of all types. Kill the fliers and the next door will open. This is your first taste of an SBD. Throw an EC and melee it. If you don't have any go up to it and hit it. Move out of the way before it can strike back. Then just wash, rinse, and repeat. Do the same with the droid in the next room. In the final room eliminate the guards and unload on sunfac's fighter that concludes the chapter. Nice work!

The first game!

  The first game I'm going to do is Star Wars: Republic commando. Brief overview: A Star Wars based fps (first person shooter) where you are in the shoes (boots) of a clone trooper that has been specially trained to work in a small squad and is able to take any mission that is needed.

  You work in a squad of four: 07 or sev, a sniper who, like all the commandos can do virtually anything, but when he's ordered to a sniper position he can take down any target. 40 or Fixer, the resident mechanic who makes the standard dc-17 rifle an extension of himself. 62 or Scorch, the only one who could use a thermal charge on a bug and tactical overkill wouldn't cross his mind. Any heavily armored enemy's eyes will water the second he pulls out his favorite weapon, the dc-17 anti-armor attachment. And finally Delta 38, your character. The best thing about him is he can be whomever you want. Is he a complete nut who runs at a full battalion of SBDs with nothing but his pistol? Maybe you and 07 couldn't be more alike. However its done you should make it interesting.

  I'll play the game on normal. I recommend you play the game through on easy or normal then hard for an extra challenge. I've finished on all difficulties and I guarantee that hard will give a few surprises. I'll do a chapter as often as I can and I'll include some quick tips and some personal achievements for those challenge hunters like me. Good luck!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gaming with a side of humor...

  As the title implies, there will be a lot of gaming and i'll try for some humor. Try being the opprative word. My blog will mainly be about me playing games on a daily basis and writing a guide whenever I make progress. If I ever get stuck the updates might be delayed, but I will have rules: I will never use an internet guide. My guides will be original thoughts from me. (ohh, scary!) I will have a week in between games to make some extras and make some original achievements. (i.e. Survivalist, play the game never restarting. No saves, no checkpoints.) I'll try for some new games and might even include an occasional iPod game. Hopefully I can get new games for you but if you send me a game I'll play it. A few stipulations: I have an xbox and a PS2, so only games for those systems. Also I'm thirteen and have reasonably protective parents so send games that are appropriate. (so no nudity or language and easy on the violence. Well I'll start posting soon. Enjoy!